We create the best strategies and content to elevate your brand to the next level.

Photography courtesy of Alvin Holden.



Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. The Office of Communications and Marketing manages the main Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts.

We offer an array of tools, including one-on-one consults. We help you form and maintain an existing social media presence, discuss social media goals and strategy, as well as offer insights and ideas.

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Corporate brochures and leaflets, menus in cafes and restaurants, and similar commercial uses where photographs enhance a text. Commercial photography is used to promote or sell a product or service. There are a number of ways that photographs can be used to better market products and corporations.


Passion Projects are creative side projects. They’re connected to your deeper meaning and they have tangible outcomes.

Anyone can do them. What you need most is inspiration and commitment. Past projects include learning to play the violin, writing a book, creating a trailer for a documentary, prototyping a gardening app, and doing 30 days of random acts of kindness.

Not sure what your passion is yet? No worries. We’ll help you discover it by giving you the tools you need.

We help you create powerful images to get noticed.


Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. The Office of Communications and Marketing manages the main Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts.

We offer an array of tools, including one-on-one consults. We help you form and maintain an existing social media presence, discuss social media goals and strategy, as well as offer insights and ideas.

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Give your establishment a signature look.


Taking pictures for commercial use: for example in adverts, merchandising, and product placement. Commercial photography is also used in corporate brochures and leaflets, menus in cafes and restaurants, and similar commercial uses where photographs enhance a text. Commercial photography is used to promote or sell a product or service. There are a number of ways that photographs can be used to better market products and corporations. In other words, step up your Instagram game.



Make your dreams come true.


Passion Projects are creative side projects. They’re connected to your deeper meaning and they have tangible outcomes. 

Anyone can do them. What you need most is inspiration and commitment. Past projects include learning to play the violin, writing a book, creating a trailer for a documentary, prototyping a gardening app, and doing 30 days of random acts of kindness.

Not sure what your passion is yet? No worries. We’ll help you discover it by giving you the tools you need.


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Darc Room Blog


Behind the scenes of the how and the why we do what we do to create. The blog is the quick and raw parts of our process.


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It’s all about the process

How are you telling your story?

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Founded by Fitness Professional Alvin Holden in 2017, DARC Room is focuses on bringing high quality content to influencers and small businesses with a focus on creative campaigns.


Featured Model Ashley Wilking - New York, New York

Established in 2017, DARC Room has helped hundreds of bloggers and influencers establish their brands. Our services include campaign production, demo reel editing, headshots and websites for bloggers. We create original content with a unique style while always keeping up with the industry standard. Our team has true passion for influencers. As part of our services, we provide guidance and and help you achieve your branding goals.

We understand creating marketing materials can be a hassle. We take the pressure off by offering you our years of experience and a high level of expert alongside top-notch costumer service, to ensure that you receive the best experience possible.
